正在阅读:解读 C# 中的正则表达式解读 C# 中的正则表达式

2004-10-08 14:53 出处:CSDN 作者:hanlichou 责任编辑:linjixiong


  text=[the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.]
  result=[The Quick Red Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Brown Dog.]



  static string CapText(Match m)
  string x = m.ToString();
  // 如果第一个字符是小写
  if (char.IsLower(x[0]))
  // 转换为大写
  return char.ToUpper(x[0]) + x.Substring(1, x.Length-1);
  return x;
  static void Main()
  string text = "the quick red fox jumped over the
  lazy brown dog.";
  System.Console.WriteLine("text=[" + text + "]");
  string pattern = @"\w+";
  string result = Regex.Replace(text, pattern,
  new MatchEvaluator(Test.CapText));
  System.Console.WriteLine("result=[" + result + "]");


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