voik CRoundDlg : : OnPaint ( ) { CPaintDC de (this) // device context for painting . //draw ellipse with out any border dc. SelecStockObject (NULL_PEN) //get the RGB colour components of the sphere color COLORREF color= RGB( 0 , 0 , 255) BYTE byRed =GetRValue (color) BYTE byGreen = GetGValue (color) BYTE byBlue = GetBValue (color) // get the size of the view window Crect rect GetClientRect (rect) // get minimun number of units int nUnits =min (rect.right , rect.bottom ) //calculate he horiaontal and vertical step size float fltStepHorz = (float) rect.right /nUnits float fltStepVert = (float) rect.bottom /nUnits int nEllipse = nUnits/3 // calculate how many to draw int nIndex // current ellipse that is being draw
CBrush brush // bursh used for ellipse fill color CBrush *pBrushOld // previous brush that was selected into dc //draw ellipse , gradually moving towards upper-right corner for (nIndex = 0 nIndes < + nEllipse nIndes++) { //creat solid brush brush . CreatSolidBrush (RGB ( ( (nIndex*byRed ) /nEllipse ). ( ( nIndex * byGreen ) /nEllipse ), ( (nIndex * byBlue) /nEllipse ) ) ) //select brush into dc pBrushOld= dc .SelectObject (&brhsh) //draw ellipse dc .Ellipse ( (int) fltStepHorz * 2, (int) fltStepVert * nIndex , rect. right -( (int) fltStepHorz * nIndex )+ 1, rect . bottom -( (int) fltStepVert * (nIndex *2) ) +1) //delete the brush brush.DelecteObject ( ) } } |