(16) 重置窗口的大小 调用CWnd: : SetWindowPos并指定SWP_NOMOVE标志, 也可调用CWnd : : MoveWindow 但必须指定窗口的位置。
| // Get the size of the window . Crect reWindow GetWindowRect (reWindow ) //Make the window twice as wide and twice as tall . SetWindowPos (NULL , 0 , 0 , reWindow . Width ( ) *2, reWindow . Height () * 2, SWP_NOMOVE |SWP_NOZORDER ) |
(17) 如何单击除了窗口标题栏以外的区域使窗口移动 当窗口需要确定鼠标位置时Windows向窗口发送WM_NCHITTEST信息,可以处理该信息使Windows认为鼠标在窗口标题上。对于对话框和基于对话的应用程序,可以使用ClassWizard处理该信息并调用基类函数, 如果函数返回HTCLIENT 则表明鼠标在客房区域,返回HTCAPTION表明鼠标在Windows的标题栏中。
| UINT CSampleDialog : : OnNcHitTest (Cpoint point ) { UINT nHitTest =Cdialog: : OnNcHitTest (point ) return (nHitTest = =HTCLIENT)? HTCAPTION : nHitTest } |
上述技术有两点不利之处, 其一是在窗口的客户区域双击时,窗口将极大; 其二, 它不适合包含几个视窗的主框窗口。 还有一种方法,当用户按下鼠标左键使主框窗口认为鼠标在其窗口标题上,使用ClassWizard在视窗中处理WM_LBUTTODOWN信息并向主框窗口发送一个WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN信息和一个单击测试HTCAPTION。
| void CSampleView : : OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags , Cpoint point ) { CView : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags , pont ) //Fool frame window into thinking somene clicked on its caption bar . GetParentFrame ( ) —> PostMessage ( WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , HTCAPTION , MAKELPARAM (poitn .x , point .y) ) } |
| CWnd: :GetParentFrame 。 void CSampleDialog : : OnLbuttonDown (UINT nFlags, Cpoint point ) { Cdialog : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags, goint ) //Fool dialog into thinking simeone clicked on its caption bar . PostMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , HTCAPTION , MAKELPARM (point.x , point. y ) ) } |
(18) 如何改变视窗的背景颜色 Windows向窗口发送一个WM_ERASEBKGND消息通知该窗口擦除背景,可以使用ClassWizard重载该消息的缺省处理程序来擦除背景(实际是画),并返回TRUE以防止Windows擦除窗口。
| //Paint area that needs to be erased. BOOL CSampleView : : OnEraseBkgnd (CDC* pDC) { // Create a pruple brush. CBrush Brush (RGB (128 , 0 , 128) ) // Select the brush into the device context . CBrush* pOldBrush = pDC—>SelcetObject (&brush) // Get the area that needs to be erased . CRect reClip pDC—>GetCilpBox (&rcClip) //Paint the area. pDC—> PatBlt (rcClip.left , rcClip.top , rcClip.Width ( ) , rcClip.Height( ) , PATCOPY ) //Unselect brush out of device context . pDC—>SelectObject (pOldBrush ) // Return nonzero to half fruther processing . return TRUE } |