
2008-05-21 09:52 出处:其它网站 作者:kevin 责任编辑:yiping


  这就意味着,Yahoo邮箱与自己最强大的竞争对手之一,Google的邮箱服务Gmail的竞争进一步加剧。如果使用Gmail邮箱的网友应该知道Gmail里面是完全没有插入任何广告的。在Yahoo Mail的博客上相关人士表示,以前大家一打开邮箱就能看到的这些小广告,今后将不会再了出现了。


  "Fantastic! Those tagline ads were so annoying. Good move Yahoo! Keep it coming." - Tripp

  "I am so happy that they are gone and Yahoo joined GL to get rid of those annoying tag lines. Thank you so much." - Kia

  "Wow, Y!Mail just keeps getting better and better! Congrats to the Y!Mail team." - netster007x

  "This was the only thing holding Yahoo back from being as good as Gmail. Well, forgetting the fact that there isn't POP access, of course." - Seth


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