正在阅读:Microsoft Windows 7 已泄露!多图详细介绍Microsoft Windows 7 已泄露!多图详细介绍

2008-06-13 11:53 出处: 作者:Mob 责任编辑:wudonghai

  万众期待的Windows 7 的首个版本已于今天泄露。版本号为 Milestone 1 Build 6.1.6519.1。

Windows 7

图1 Windows 7 Ultimate





  ·Windows 7支持多个不同的显示适配器,也就是可以在同一台机器上同时使用不同显卡接多个显示器;更新更强的 Media Center。另外按 Win7 的计划,只有 XDDM 驱动才能被使用,为 XP 认证的都不行了。

  ·Win7 原本规划的发布步骤是出三个 Milestone,然后是 Beta,RC,RTM。M1 是 2008 年 1 月,M2 是 4/5 月,M3 是 3 季度,Beta 和 RC 待定,RTM 大概是 2009 的 下半年。算下来,也就是 Vista 发布后的 3 年,3 年一升级也不算差,比 Vista “5年才搞定”的名声要好得多。

  ·拿到 M1 ISO 为 6519.1.071220-1525,IA32 和 X64 都有,带或者不带 debug 信息随选,Free 是不带的,Checked 是带的。

  ·安装界面与过程和 Vista 很相似,甚至在选择不同版本的时候字样还是 Vista Ultimate,Vista Home Premium 等,不过 Pre-Release 协议文本里已经写成 “Windows 7” 了。分区界面自动划出一个 500M 的分区,貌似是支持 EFI 的缘故,这个不确定。中间会重启一次,这次之后再重启就进入 Win7 了。

  ·启动后的第一次设置和 Vista 相同,包括帐户名,机器名,时区,桌面背景等。在启动界面的下方,写着大大的 “Windows 7 Ultimate”。



  接下来是赏图时间。从网上放出的图中可见,界面在 Windows Vista 基础上更上一层楼。有人说微软会越来越苹果化,也有人说 Windows 7 只不过是 Windows Vista 的复刻与进化。你觉得呢?


图2 美仑美奂的桌面


图3 别具一格的Windows Media Center



图4 更进一步的文件管理窗口


图5 可堆叠预览的照片浏览



图6 转盘式的快捷方式


图7 汇聚更多功能的开始菜单


图8 整合到屏幕上方的Live Search


  接下来,让我们看看此次泄露的Windows 7安装程序究竟是何模样!一起来看图。

Windows 7 安装过程

图9 还是有"Vista"字样

Windows 7 系统界面

图10 我们选择Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows 7 安装过程

图11 用户协议里已有"Windows 7"字样


Windows 7 安装过程

图12 安装进行中

Windows 7 安装过程

图13 系统设置中

Windows 7 安装过程

图14 安装完成


Windows 7 系统界面

图15 启动画面

Windows 7 系统界面

图16 选择语言

Windows 7 系统界面

图17 欢迎使用


Windows 7 系统界面

图18 有别于以前的侧边栏

Windows 7 系统界面

图19 控制面板


Windows 7 系统界面

图20 还是WMP11

Windows 7 系统界面

图21 文件夹选项


  看到这里,相信你我心里面都已对Winows 7有了初步印象。




  Microsoft Windows 7 Build 6519 M1 DVD-MSBP | 2,95GB

  Milestone 1 Build 6.1.6519.1 (LEAKED !!!) With Windows Vista finally behind us, it's time to turn our attention to the next Windows client release, which is currently codenamed Windows 7, though Microsoft has used other code-names, like "Vienna" and "Windows Seven" in the past. This release is the early build which was showcased at a conference back in January '08. Remember to read .nfo first before installing. Enjoy.

  Easier. Windows 7 will make it easier for users to find and use information. Local, network and Internet search functionality will converge. Intuitive user experiences will be further advanced. Automated application provisioning and cross-application data transparency will be integrated.

  More secure. Windows 7 will include improved security and legislative compliance functionality. Data protection and management will be extended to peripheral devices. Windows 7 will advance role-based computing scenarios and user-account management, and bridge the inherent conflicts between data protection and robust collaboration. It will also enable enterprise-wide data protection and permissions.

  Better connected. Windows 7 will further enable the mobile workforce. It will deliver anywhere, anytime, any device access to data and applications. It will enable a robust ad-hoc collaboration experience. Wireless connectivity, management and security functionality will be expanded. The performance and functionality of current and emerging mobile hardware will be optimized. The multiple device sync, management and data protection capabilities in Windows will be extended. Finally, Windows 7 will enable flexible computing infrastructures including rich, thin and network-centric models.

  Lower cost. Windows 7 will help businesses optimize their desktop infrastructure. It will enable seamless OS, application and data migration, and simplified PC provisioning and upgrading. It will further efforts towards non-disruptive application updating and patching. Windows 7 will include improved hardware- and software-based virtualization experiences. And it will expand the PC self-help and IT Pro problem resolution diagnostics in Windows.

  Release Infos
  - Release Date.....: 11th June 2008
  - Release Name.....: Microsoft.Windows.7.Build.6519.M1.DVD-MSBP
  - Supplier.........: Microsoft
  - Type.............: OS
  - Number of Discs..: 1 DVD

  Release Description
  -Integration with the Windows Communication Foundation, allowing
  -SOA application developers to harness the power of parallel
  -Computing offered by Windows HPC Server 2008.
  -Support for external databases for Job Scheduling database
  -Support for Open Grid Forum?s HPC-Basic Profile interface
  -Improved management console with support for Windows PowerShell scripting

  Installation Instructions


  高速下载Microsoft Windows 7 Build 6519 M1 DVD-MSBP



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【温和批评】透支用户热情!Windows 7泄露令微软遭殃

【独家首测】Windows7是VISTA II 会员体验版?


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