
2008-06-05 10:10 出处: 作者:软件生活 责任编辑:xuwei2

  后来我查了一下才知道这是传说中的rapidshare happy hours,官方是这样解释的:

  As every free user should have noticed, we are experimenting once again with the CAPTCHA system. The reason is that RapidShare is popular enough for people to create tools to download from RapidShare as a free user as if they were a premium user. This has a negative impact for our paying premium users, since they expect a fast download. On the other hand we are also experimenting with happy hours again. When our servers have enough spare bandwidth, we will make it easier for free users to download from RapidShare, knowing that this also makes it possible again to automatically download files with those tools. Right now the RapidShare Happy Hours will disable the download tickets and the captchas completely.

  大意就是当带宽空闲的时候,会关闭针对免费用户的验证码和下载等待,你甚至还可以使用工具来下载。很明显,我就是碰到了happy hours。

  那么什么时候才是happy hours呢?答案是带宽空闲时。但我们总不可能时刻守在rapidshare等吧,所以就有老外写了个RapidShare Happy Hours Detector来自动检测,并且到了的时候会自动提醒你。

  软件需要Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5才能运行,并在安装时强制检测。不过我提取绿色版之后,在我的电脑的.NET 2.0上也能运行,呵呵。


图3 RapidShare Happy Hours Detector

  界面很简单,重要部分已经标明了中文,就不汉化了。启动后可隐藏到系统托盘,如果到了happy hours,会在右下出现大大的提示:


图4  Happy Hours 提醒


  到了happy hours还等什么,把想下载的都下载回来吧! 点击下载


键盘也能翻页,试试“← →”键


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