< %
RequestName = Request.Form("Name")
RequestLeaveMeAlone = Request.Form("LeaveMeAlone")
If RequestName < >"" or RequestLeaveMeAlone < >"" then
Response.Cookies("MySiteVisitorName") = RequestName
Response.Cookies("MySiteVisitorName").Expires = #January 01, 2010#
Response.Cookies("MySiteLeaveMeAlone") = RequestLeaveMeAlone
Response.Cookies("MySiteLeaveMeAlone").Expires = #January 01, 2010#
End if 接着,读取cookie:
VisitorName = request.cookies("MySiteVisitorName") LeaveMeAlone = request.cookies("MySiteLeaveMeAlone") 如果cookie在访问者的计算机上不存在,就创建一个表单,询问相关信息:
If VisitorName ="" and LeaveMeAlone ="" then
% >
< HTML >
< HEAD >
< /HEAD >
< body bgcolor="#ccffff" text="black" link="navy" vlink="purple" >
< form action="index.asp" method="POST" >
< H2 >Let's be friends< /H2 >
What's your name (leave blank and hit the Submit button if you don't want us to know)?
< input type="text" name="name" >< br >< br >
< input type="hidden" name="LeaveMeAlone" value="x" >
< input type="submit" value="Submit" >
< /FORM >
< /DIV >
< /BODY >
< %
End if 如果cookie已经存在,并且用户名字存在,就显示给访问者一个欢迎界面,然后执行其余的代码。
If VisitorName < > "" then
Response.write "Hi, " & VisitorName & "! I hope you are having a great day!"
End if
'rest of the page
% > 尽管上面的这个例子很简单,但可以从中扩展许多富有创造力的应用。你可以在表单中加入许多功能,以便定制化web站点。 你还可以让访问者定制网站的色彩、字体,以至于其他web元素。有可能的话,你可以询问访问者的生日,当访问者在那一天来访 时,你就可以显示“生日快乐”的信息给他。