
2004-02-14 09:33 出处:PConline 作者:asilas 责任编辑:linjixiong

    '' @功能说明: 对str字符串进行大小写转换
    '' @参数说明:  - str [string]: 源字符串
    '' @返回值:   - [string] 转换后的字符串
 public function swapCase(str)
  for i = 1 to len(str)
   current = mid(str, i, 1)
   if isAlphabetic(current) then
    high = asc(ucase(current))
    low = asc(lcase(current))
    sum = high + low
    return = return & chr(sum-asc(current))
    return = return & current
   end if
  swapCase = return
 end function
    '' @功能说明: 将源字符串str中每个单词的第一个字母转换成大写
    '' @参数说明:  - str [string]: 源字符串
    '' @返回值:   - [string] 转换后的字符串
 public function capitalize(str)
  words = split(str," ")
  for i = 0 to ubound(words)
   if not i = 0 then
    tmp = " "
   end if
   tmp = tmp & ucase(left(words(i), 1)) & right(words(i), len(words(i))-1)
   words(i) = tmp
  capitalize = arrayToString(words)
 end function

    '' @功能说明: 将源字符Str后中的'过滤为''
    '' @参数说明:  - str [string]: 源字符串
    '' @返回值:   - [string] 转换后的字符串
 public function checkstr(Str)
  If Trim(Str)="" Or IsNull(str) Then
  end if
 End function

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