
2004-06-25 09:53 出处:CSDN 作者:turnmissile [翻译] 责任编辑:linjixiong

  下面的代码片断假设你的多文档应用程序中包含一个toolbar。当你点击toolBarButton1 按钮时,将会创建并显示一个 Patients 子窗口。下面的代码在单机事件时发生。

private void toolBar1_ButtonClick(object sender,
     System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e)
    // a flag to store if the child form is opened or not
    bool found = false;
    if (e.Button == toolBarButton1)
       // get all of the MDI children in an array
       Form[] charr = this.MdiChildren;
       if (charr.Length == 0)      // no child form is opened
          Patients myPatients = new Patients();
          myPatients.MdiParent = this;
          // The StartPosition property is essential
          // for the location property to work
          myPatients.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
          myPatients.Location = new Point(0,0);
        else      // child forms are opened


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