
2005-11-09 11:43 出处:PConline 作者:宋宝华 责任编辑:xietaoming



  使用Visual C++向导生产MFC扩展DLL时,MFC向导会自动增加DLL的入口函数DllMain:

extern "C" int APIENTRY
DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
 // Remove this if you use lpReserved

 if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
  TRACE0("MFCEXPENDDLL.DLL Initializing!\n");

  // Extension DLL one-time initialization
  if (!AfxInitExtensionModule(MfcexpenddllDLL, hInstance))
   return 0;

  // Insert this DLL into the resource chain
  // NOTE: If this Extension DLL is being implicitly linked to by
  //  an MFC Regular DLL (such as an ActiveX Control)
  //  instead of an MFC application, then you will want to
  //  remove this line from DllMain and put it in a separate
  //  function exported from this Extension DLL.  The Regular DLL
  //  that uses this Extension DLL should then explicitly call that
  //  function to initialize this Extension DLL.  Otherwise,
  //  the CDynLinkLibrary object will not be attached to the
  //  Regular DLL's resource chain, and serious problems will
  //  result.

  new CDynLinkLibrary(MfcexpenddllDLL);
 else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
  TRACE0("MFCEXPENDDLL.DLL Terminating!\n");
  // Terminate the library before destructors are called
 return 1;   // ok



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