正在阅读:实用!超强VC/MFC 常见问答收集实用!超强VC/MFC 常见问答收集

2004-07-15 10:04 出处:CSDN 作者:jiangsheng收集 责任编辑:linjixiong

  问:如何在打开一个文件夹(ShellExecute),同时选中某个指定的文件 ?
  方法1 自动化资源管理器,创建一个Explorer对象,然后用IShellBrowser和IShellView借口控制
  方法2 使用Explorer.exe的/select开关
[Windows Explorer Switches]
Windows Explorer switches are useful in creating rooted folders:

     Explorer [/e][,/root,<object>][[,/select],<sub object>]

   Use Explorer view (scope and results pane view). The default is
   Open view (results in pane view only).

   Specify the object in the "normal" name space that is
   used as the root (top level) of this Explorer/Folder (i.e., local
   path or UNC name). The default is the Desktop).
   The parent folder opens and the specified object is selected.
   <sub object>   Specify the folder unless /select is used. The
   default is the root.

Examples:Explorer /e, /root, \\Reports

         opens an Explorer window at \\Reports.

         Explorer /select, C:\Windows\Calc.exe

         opens a folder at C:\Windows (or activates one that is
         currently open) and selects Calc.exe.


         opens a folder to the Archive folder above. This is a good
         way to create a dedicated, remote, documents archive
         folder. A link to this folder (\\Source\Internal\Design\
         Users\David\Archive) can then be placed in the SendTo folder
         for quick routing of documents.

  问:如何用代码设置环境变量? 我现正用VC开发一个项目,其中要设置几个环境变量;请问在VC中如何用代码设置环境变量?
You can modify user environment variables by editing the following Registry key:


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