
2004-05-20 10:13 出处:CSDN 作者:jerrylhw 责任编辑:linjixiong
for (j=0; j< LoopTimes; j++)       {       __intel_new_memset(lpByte,1,SIZE);       }       dwTime1 = GetTickCount() - dwStart;       //MS crt version       dwStart = GetTickCount();       for (j=0; j< LoopTimes; j++)       {       memset(lpByte,1,SIZE);       //ZeroMemory(lpByte,SIZE);       }       dwTime2 = GetTickCount() - dwStart;       //delete []lpByte;       printf("Intel=%dms MSC=%dms\n",dwTime1,dwTime2);   }      int main(int argc, char* argv[])      {      #define THREADS 2       HANDLE hThread[THREADS]; //array to hold thread handle       LPBYTE lpByte[THREADS]; //Array to hold thread-specific memory       int i;       //Count mem alloc time. Debug version is very long       DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount();       for (i=0; i希望看到更多更经典的开发技巧,请随时刷新《开发特区》栏目。
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