
2004-02-14 09:34 出处: 作者:yy 责任编辑:pjl
查看Applet1.java的内容: import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; /** * This class reads PARAM tags from its HTML host page and sets * the color and label properties of the applet. Program execution * begins with the init() method. */ public class Applet1 extends Applet implements Runnable { /** * The entry point for the applet. */ Font ft; //文字字体对象实例 String theString, font, style; //移动的字符串、字体类型及样式 int size, speed; //文字的大小,移动速度 int xSet, Max, Min;//文字每次移动的位移量,右边界和左边界 public void init() { initForm(); usePageParams(); // TODO: Add any constructor code after initForm call. } private final String labelParam = "label"; private final String backgroundParam = "background"; private final String foregroundParam = "foreground"; private final String param_string="string"; private final String param_font="font"; private final String param_style="style"; private final String param_size="size"; private final String param_speed="speed"; /** * Reads parameters from the applet's HTML host and sets applet * properties. */ private void usePageParams() { final String defaultLabel = "Default label"; final String defaultBackground = "C0C0C0"; final String defaultForeground = "000000"; String labelValue; String backgroundValue; String foregroundValue; /** * Read the , * , * and tags from * the applet's HTML host. */ labelValue = getParameter(labelParam); backgroundValue = getParameter(backgroundParam); foregroundValue = getParameter(foregroundParam); if ((labelValue == null) || (backgroundValue == null) || (foregroundValue == null)) { /** * There was something wrong with the HTML host tags. * Generate default values. */ labelValue = defaultLabel; backgroundValue = defaultBackground; foregroundValue = defaultForeground; } /** * Set the applet's string label, background color, and * foreground colors. */ label1.setText(labelValue); label1.setBackground(stringToColor(backgroundValue)); label1.setForeground(stringToColor(foregroundValue)); this.setBackground(stringToColor(backgroundValue)); this.setForeground(stringToColor(foregroundValue)); String param; param = getParameter ( param_string); if(param !=null) theString= param;//取得字符串参数 param = getParameter ( param_font); if(param !=null) font= param;//取得字型参数 param= getParameter ( param_size); if (param !=null) size=Integer. parseInt ( param);//取得字提大小参数 param= getParameter ( param_style); if(param!=null) style= param;//取得字型样式参数 param= getParameter ( param_speed); if(param !=null) speed=Integer.parseInt (param);//取得文字移动速度参数 int vice_style = Font.PLAIN ; if(style. equalsIgnoreCase ( "BOLD")) vice_style=Font.BOLD ; if (style.equalsIgnoreCase ("ITALIC")) vice_style=Font.ITALIC ;//处理得到的字型参数,忽略大小写 ft=new Font(font,vice_style,size); FontMetrics fm= getFontMetrics(ft);//生成FontMetrics类对象实例 Min= -fm.stringWidth (theString); Max= getSize().width ; xSet= Max; } /** * Converts a string formatted as "rrggbb" to an awt.Color object */ private Color stringToColor(String paramValue) { int red; int green; int blue; red = (Integer.decode("0x" + paramValue.substring(0,2))).intValue(); green = (Integer.decode("0x" + paramValue.substring(2,4))).intValue(); blue = (Integer.decode("0x" + paramValue.substring(4,6))).intValue(); return new Color(red,green,blue); } /** * External interface used by design tools to show properties of an applet. */ public String[][] getParameterInfo() { String[][] info = { { labelParam, "String", "Label string to be displayed" }, { backgroundParam, "String", "Background color, format \"rrggbb\"" }, { foregroundParam, "String", "Foreground color, format \"rrggbb\"" }, }; return info; } Label label1 = new Label(); /** * Intializes values for the applet and its components */ void initForm() { this.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.setForeground(Color.black); label1.setText("label1"); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North",label1); } public void paint(Graphics g) { int ySet=getSize().height ; ySet=(ySet-size)/2; g.setFont (ft); g.setColor (Color.red); g.drawString (theString,xSet,ySet+40); //+40是用来调整输出时的高度用的。 xSet--; if(xSet
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