//This section latches to the Player Bottom if (Form2.Top > Form1.Top+Form1.Height-10) and (Form2.Top < Form1.Top+Form1.Height+10) and (Form2.Left > Form1.Left-Form2.Width) and (Form2.Left < Form1.Left + Form1.Width) then begin Form2.Top := Form1.Top+Form1.Height; if (Y-OldY > 10) or (Y-OldY < -10) then begin CanMoveY := true; Form1.DockToForm := False; end else begin CanMoveY := False; Form1.DockToForm := True; end; end; //This section latches playlist in center of Form1 if (Form2.Left > Form1.Left + ((Form1.Width div 2)-(Form2.Width div 2))-10) and (Form2.Left < Form1.Left + ((Form1.Width div 2)-(Form2.Width div 2))+10) and (Form2.Top > Form1.Top+Form1.Height-10) and (Form2.Top < Form1.Top+Form1.Height+10) then begin Form2.Left := Form1.Left + ((Form1.Width div 2)-(Form2.Width div 2)); if (X-OldX > 10) or (X-OldX < -10) or (Y-OldY > 10) or (Y-OldY < -10) then CanMoveX := true else CanMoveX := False; end; end; end; procedure TForm2.FormMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin CanMove := false; end; end. 我希望以上内容对那些正面临类似内容困扰的人有所帮助。 |
2004-03-31 10:17
键盘也能翻页,试试“← →”键