absX:=abs(Trunc(X)-MainForm.AnchorX); absY:=abs(Trunc(Y)-MainForm.AnchorY); if absX<4 then begin l:=false; r:=false; end; if absY<4 then begin u:=false; d:=false; end; {如果绝对距离已经小于四个象素,则认为已经到达目的地} if u and l and not d and not r then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrUpLeft); if u and r and not l and not d then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrUpRight); if d and l and not r and not u then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrDownLeft); if d and r and not u and not l then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrDownRight); if d and not l and not r and not u then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrDown); if u and not l and not r and not d then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrUp); if l and not u and not r and not d then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrLeft); if r and not l and not u and not d then MoveTo(MoveCount,DrRight); {根据目的地来判断运动的方向,从而播放相应方向运动的动画} Collision; {检测碰撞} Engine.X := -X+Engine.Width div 2 - Width div 2; Engine.Y := -Y+Engine.Height div 2 - Height div 2; {移动引擎,从而是游戏人物处于舞台的正中央} end; procedure TMainForm.DXTimerTimer(Sender: TObject; LagCount: Integer); begin if not DXDraw.CanDraw then exit; {检测DXDraw是否可以画,否则退出} DXInput.Update; {捕捉各类设备输入,这里我们用来检测鼠标的输入} LagCount := 1000 div 60; {用来控制整个游戏运行速度的参数} DXSpriteEngine.Move(LagCount); DXSpriteEngine.Dead; DXDraw.Surface.Fill(0); {将整个屏幕填充为黑色} DXSpriteEngine.Draw; with DXDraw.Surface.Canvas do begin brush.style:=bsclear; pen.style:=psclear; pen.color:=clwhite; Font.Color:=clWhite; Font.Size:=10; textout(10,10,'Press ESC to Quit'); textout(100,100,'X: '+IntToStr(AnchorX)+'Y: '+IntToStr(AnchorY));
正在阅读:用Delphi + DirectX开发简单RPG游戏用Delphi + DirectX开发简单RPG游戏
2004-02-14 09:34
键盘也能翻页,试试“← →”键