
2017-08-08 17:28 出处:其他 作者:佚名 责任编辑:liuxiangcheng

  好怕黑 | 我是光

  Good afraid of the dark | I'm light

  -台阁倾 | -殇歌落

  Wounds - leaves pour | - song

  同呼吸- | 共命运-

  - | the advocacy -

  你很闹i | 你惯得i

  You will have the I really loud I | you spoil

  得之我幸 | 失之我命

  I | loss of my life

  陪他笑i | 看她闹i

  With he ring | I see her I smile

  陪他闹i | 陪她笑i

  With his | I accompany her smile I

  怪叔叔i | 恐龙妹i

  The younger sister I blame uncle I | dinosaurs

  忒爱闹! | 怪我闹!

  Te noisy! Ring | blame me!

  我姓腾i | 我心疼i

  My name is teng I | I love dearly I

  烂好人i | 滥好人i

  Bad guy I | anti-hunting campaigners I

  梦以碎i | 心憔悴i

  Dream with broken I | heart gaunt I

  生不对i | 死不起i

  Birth is wrong I | I death

  海未眠i | 夜未央i

  Sleepless sea | I night not ended I

  你在哪 | 你身后!

  Where are you | behind you!

  梦中梦i | 里中你i

  In the dream, the dream I | you I

  扰我心° | 入我梦°

  The one my heart ° | ° into my dreams

  抱紧我@ | 别松手@

  Hold me tight @ don't let go | @

  绊人心- | 何相识-

  The heart - | any acquaintance -

  怎为你° | 只红香°

  How ° for you | red fragrance °

  我碍你i | 我横你i

  I hinder you I | I cross you I

  始于他. | 结果呢.

  Begins with him. | results

  踮脚吻i | 低头抱i

  Bow on tiptoe to kiss I | I

  不了情i | 非了心i

  Not the feeling I | the heart I

  过三年△ | 才永久△

  Three years delta | permanent delta

  薄荷心 | 柠檬心

  Mint heart | lemon

  闷骚怪 | 幼稚怪

  The task's strange Naive to blame

  伴我老i | 陪我终i

  With my old | I accompany me to the I

  天黑黑~ | 夜白白~

  Cloudy day ~ ~ | night made in vain

  新人笑i | 旧人哭i

  New appointee smile I | I cry

  我心酸i | 我心凉i

  I sad I | my heart is cool

  别红眼* | 你有我*

  Don't red eye I * * | you have

  深拥你. | 抱紧我.

  Deep hug you. | hold me tight.

  手放开i | 就不放i



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