英文网名很受大家欢迎,因为它比较潮流、时尚且个性。尤其是中文+英文的组合,具有一种平衡感,并隐隐透露出文艺的气息。因此除了网名,中文+英文形式的qq分组名也很受大家喜爱。下面就为大家介绍一些中英结合、好听的分组名字。 爱够了 love enough 放弃了 given u 心碎了 heart broke 泪干了 the tears dried u 人也变的颓废了 people have become decad ————————————— [只要你在] as long as you are [什么都好] what all good [花开很好] flowers is very good [风吹很好] the wind is very good ————————————— a lierso [一个人] a dream [一场梦] an emlity city [一座空城] life of liai [一生心痛] ————————————— 我浑身是刺 i am full of thor 满身是伤 is covered with wounds. 我全身是伤 my body is hurt 蛇蝎心肠 have a bad heart 你在我安 you are in my 你拥我暖 you hold me warm 你离我泣 you leave me to cry 你走我亡 ————————————— 如果有一天 if one day. 你后悔放弃我了 you regret to give up me 请记住 please remember that. 我曾经像乞丐一样 i was once like a beggar 留过你 leave you. ————————————— in the best of time 在最美的时光 to do what you want to 去做想做的事 to see want see 去见想见的人 yonth without regret 不留遗憾的青春 ————————————— in the best of time 在最美的时光 to do what you want to 去做想做的事 to see want see 去见想见的人 yonth without regret 没留遗憾的青春 ————————————— are you still dream 你还梦不梦 are youstill huet 你还痛不痛 memories so heavy 回忆那么重 hoe do you move back 你怎么背得动 ————————————— [do not be afraid] - 不害怕 [because behind] - 因为身后 [to hug the people] - 有拥抱之人 [not to be afraid] -不胆怯 [because the front] - 因为身后。 [have deep love person] - 有深爱之人 ————————————— 你说过的承诺 you said commitment 我只能一笑而过 i can oniy smile 你给过的曾经 once you give 我只能当一场 i can oniy as a 舍不得的梦 ————————————— yesterday、爱你 ? yesterday、念你 ? yesterday、恋你 ? yesterday、想你 ————————————— a lierso [一个人] a dream [一场梦] an emlity city [一座空城] life of liai [一生心痛] ————————————— [带上老友] with old friends. [说着故事] tell story. [吹吹冷风] the cold wind blow. [喝杯烈酒] drink a cup of wine ————————————— ——| 走错了路 going the wrong way ——| 请记得回头 remember to look back ——| 爱错了人 love the wrong ma ——| 请懂得放手 to let go ————————————— lihsten to your heart 【倾听你の心】 read to your heart 【读懂你の心】 recognize to your heart 【认清你の心】 choose the right perso 【选择对の人】 |
2020-07-17 14:56