Acquisition(初识) Monster(怪物) Turn after(转身之后) Red Dress(红旗袍) Like Old Dream(譬如旧梦) Insane(疯癫) Scar(伤痕) Love Sea(爱琴海) Defy(无视) fairy(仙女) Forbears(祖宗) Scatter(离散) Valor(刚勇) Halo(光环) time in a hurry(匆匆那年) Shell of a man(空壳人) Mask(面具) Barefaced(露骨) Old testament(旧约) Selfish(自私) Security(安全感) Sham(虚伪) Devil(恶女) Night Drunk(夜醉) neat(干净) Princess(公主病) freak(怪人) You have changed(你变了) frown(蹙眉) Love dearly(心疼) chillily(冷漠) Bad young(不良少女) Autism(自闭症) Substitu(替代品) cheeks(面颊) Red Lips(红唇) Healing(愈合) tsundere(傲娇) Morishima(森岛) Always in his heart(久居他心) Bump(凹凸) Care(在乎) Arrogant(傲慢) Liar(说谎家) Weirdo(怪人) Life is a bosom friend(人生得一知己足矣) Hover(徘徊) Rascal(痞子) mood(情绪) Reset(清零) Soledad(寂寞) Still love you(还爱你) Eternal(永恒) Absurd(荒唐) Can't be(不可能) Lose丶recall (丢失回忆) melancholy(忧郁) cowardice(懦弱) Feeble(苍白无力) Sensitive(敏感) Ambition(野心) Melody(旋律) Keys(琴键) Wandering(流浪) Revive(复活) Flies(荏苒) Asphyxia(窒息) Birty(污) With You(最好的我们) Cheat(骗子) Corrupt(堕落) Stars(星辰) Wasted(蹉跎) Joke(笑谈) Camouflage(伪装) Partir(离开) Victory(胜利) Hollow(空心) plain colour(素色) Refuse(拒绝) Charm(魅力) Secret(秘密) |
2020-03-23 12:30