正在阅读:名师讲解 西班牙插画家Blanca Gomez专访名师讲解 西班牙插画家Blanca Gomez专访

2010-07-09 09:40 出处:PConline 作者:archerzuo 责任编辑:luoxiaoqin




  You mention your love of mid-century design and that’s clearly an affinity you share with Grain Edit. Would you agree that during that era of design it was much easier to identify where work was coming from than it is today or can you identify any regions around the world that have made their work unmistakable?

  Although it is evident that it is becoming more difficult to identify where work is coming out of I think there are certain countries that continue to hold personal characteristics that are very identifiable. Clearly this is my own subjective opinion and without any solid backing.

  For example, I think that the design from the Nordic countries of Europe maintain a style that is recognizable and all their own. Their illustrations maintain certain characteristics that are common to their work. There is a common simplicity in style with great expression underneath it all.

  There are also many Japanese illustrators, especially for children, that when you see their work you know that it can’t be from any where else in the world.





  You say the Internet has brought about interesting phenomena and that your first commissions and collaborations found you via the web. How has the Internet influenced your work and how do you think it will continue to evolve?

  Not just at the beginning, today my clients continue to find me via my website as the Internet helped mark a significant point of flexion in my career.

  If it weren’t for the Internet I would probably still be working on more corporate type projects because at the time I lacked the confidence needed to contact potential clients to present my personal work. Moreover, if I had to promote my work in other ways it never would have occurred to me to do so outside of Spain.

  Today, the majority of my work is done for foreign clients and that truly widens my professional horizons.

  I also have an online store and I communicate with clients via email. And thanks to the Internet I have met colleagues that I speak to on a daily basis who keep me from going crazy as a result of working alone. My blog is another way that I get feedback about my work.

  In any case, what I am saying is rather obvious. I suppose that in the future things will continue to evolve and I don’t see myself working any other way.

  Sometimes I think that in the future I would like to interact more directly with my clients, but then I remember the closeness of clients when I worked at an agency and realize that it’s possible to be much closer to a client thousands of miles away than face to face.






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