
2009-04-08 09:34 出处: 作者:PCSL 责任编辑:zhuomingchuang


  It is not allowed to take parts of our testing result into own tests or to use the  data ulterior without a written permission of PC Security Labs. We cannot be made liable for any damage or loss which might occur as a result of,or in connection with the use of the information provided on our website or testing reports. We try our best to ensure the correctness of the testing result, but we do not provide any guaranty for the correctness, completeness,etc. of both the information on our website and our testing reports at any time. You are allowed to download, view, print and copy the material from our site on the hard disk of your computer and to use it for your own personal,on-commercial  purposes  as  a  personal  information  resource  in  good  faith  only. It  is  forbidden  to  transmit ore-circulate any material obtained from PC Security Labs (including from the email delivered by PC Security Labs) to any third party without the written agreement of PC Security Labs. We focus on computer security and we try our best to protect the PC security. All the samples are from the Internet and we are not responsible for the malware samples. The research is taken in an internal network environment and we all remove the samples' extension in order to prevent incorrect manipulation by the user. We are not responsible for the damage caused by incorrect manipulation. In addition, we are also not responsible for the behavior taken by the outlaws. The testing report from PCSL is for reference only and the copyright of the testing report belongs to PC Security Labs. Any commercial activity wants to cite our report result please contact Jeffrey through his email address (jeffrey@pcsecuritylabs.net). For  the  monthly  award  logo,  its  use  on  the  Internet, marketing  materials  and  user  documents  by  the  antivirus vendor  is  free  of charge.  The  annual  certification  logo  is  free  of charge  to  be  used  on  the  Internet,  marketing materials, user documents and the product packaging. For more detailed information about annual certification, please  contact  Jeffrey  Wu  via  email:  jeffrey@pcsecuritylabs.net.  We  have  the  right  to  withdrawn  the  license  of monthly award and annual certification due to the improper use of the antivirus vendor.

  All related issues about the testing, monthly award, logo, certification, legal notes, disclaimer, copyright, etc will be based on the latest PC Security Labs Manual. The copyright of this report belongs to Jeffrey Wu, PC Security Labs.

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