

2004-02-14 09:33 出处:PConline 作者:chinahuman/CSDN 责任编辑:linjixiong

   private Function getimgs(str)    getimgs = ""    Set objRegExp1 = New RegExp    objRegExp1.IgnoreCase = True    objRegExp1.Global = True    objRegExp1.Pattern = "http://.+?"""    Set mm = objRegExp1.Execute(str)    For Each Match1 In mm    getimgs = getimgs & "||" & Left(Match1.Value, Len(Match1.Value) - 1)    Next    End Function       Function str2img()    Dim servername, objRegExp, strs, Matches, RetStr, arrimg, newimg, i, fname, states, arrnew, arrall    if baseurl<>"" then    If Right(baseurl, 1) <> "/" Then    baseurl = baseurl & "/"    End If    end if    if right(tofolder,1)<>"\" then    tofolder=tofolder&"\"    end if    Set objRegExp = New RegExp    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True    objRegExp.Global = True    objRegExp.Pattern = ""    strs = Trim(processstr)    Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(strs)    For Each Match In Matches    RetStr = RetStr & getimgs(Match.Value)    Next    arrimg = Split(RetStr, "||")    allimg = ""    newimg = ""    For i = 1 To UBound(arrimg)    If arrimg(i) <> "" And InStr(allimg, arrimg(i)) < 1 Then    fname1 = baseurl & CStr(basefilename & i & Mid(arrimg(i), InStrRev(arrimg(i), ".")))    fname = tofolder & CStr(basefilename & i & Mid(arrimg(i), InStrRev(arrimg(i), ".")))    states = saveimage(arrimg(i), fname)    If states = True Then    allimg = allimg & "||" & arrimg(i)    newimg = newimg & "||" & fname1    End If    End If    Next    arrnew = Split(newimg, "||")    arrall = Split(allimg, "||")    For i = 1 To UBound(arrnew)    if i=1 then    firstoldimg=arrall(1)    firstnewimg=arrnew(1)    end if    strs = Replace(strs, arrall(i), arrnew(i))    Next    str2img = strs    End Function   end class   第一步用户登录的时候:由于有一个工作区,所以最好不要让多个用户用同一个帐号不然到时候有人登出的时候,将会造成其它人的工作丢失,这里最主要处理的是帐户登录的时候要对这个帐号锁定不允许重复登录(主要由FSO和数据库来实现,我就不多说了)。
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