Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
CreateProgManGroup Me, "测试", "test.grp" CreateProgManItem Me, "d:\ghost.exe", "Ghost" CreateProgManItem Me, "d:\setupQQ.exe", "QQ"
End Sub
Sub CreateProgManGroup(X As Form, GroupName$, GroupPath$) Dim i As Integer X.Label1.LinkTopic = "ProgMan|Progman" X.Label1.LinkMode = 2 Rem 空循环使DDE有时间执行 For i = 1 To 10 DoEvents Next X.Label1.LinkTimeout = 100 Rem LinkExecute 是在DDE通道中传送这样的命令 '──建立一个名为GroupName $的程序组。 X.Label1.LinkExecute "[ CreateGroup (" + GroupName$ + Chr$(44) + GroupPath$ + ") ]" X.Label1.LinkTimeout = 50 '恢复Label1 的属性值 X.Label1.LinkMode = 0 End Sub
Sub CreateProgManItem(X As Form, CmdLine$, IconTitle$) Dim i As Integer X.Label1.LinkTopic = "ProgMan|Progman" X.Label1.LinkMode = 2 For i = 1 To 10 DoEvents Next X.Label1.LinkTimeout = 100 X.Label1.LinkExecute "[AddItem(" + CmdLine$ + Chr$(44) + IconTitle$ + Chr$(44) + ", ,) ]" X.Label1.LinkTimeout = 50 '恢复Label1 的属性值 X.Label1.LinkMode = 0 Screen.MousePointer = 0 End Sub
Text1.LinkTopic = "Progman|Progman" Text1.LinkMode = 2 '手动 Text1.LinkExecute "[ShowGroup(启动, 4)]" Text1.LinkExecute "[AddItem(可执行文件完整路径, 捷径名称)]" 假设我们想把“c:\vb5db\myprog.exe”建立成“启动”资料夹名称为“我的程序”的捷径,则最后一行的 LinkExecute 应该如下: