正在阅读:Visual Basic下工具条的制作之六Visual Basic下工具条的制作之六

2004-02-14 09:34 出处:eNet学院 作者:况正谦 责任编辑:zwg
----下面的例子中,窗口工具条内有两个分别代表打开文件和文件存盘的按钮,另外还有一个设置窗口客户区颜色的组合框。为免去烦琐地介绍工具条的设置过程,在窗体制作时仅仅加入一个toolbar控件和一个imagelist控件,另外在toolbar中加入一个组合框combobox。其它所有与toolbar的设置和控制有关的操作都在程序代码中实现,包括为imagelist1加入图片库、建立toolbar1和imagelist1的关联关系、在toolbar1中加入按钮并为每个按钮设置属性、对combo1进行初始化等等。   下面给出窗体form1的程序代码。 private sub form_load() ’ create object variable for the imagelist. dim imgx as listimage ’ load pictures into the imagelist control. set imgx = imagelist1.listimages. _ add(, "open", loadpicture("graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\open.bmp")) set imgx = imagelist1.listimages. _ add(, "save", loadpicture("graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\save.bmp")) toolbar1.imagelist = imagelist1 ’ create object variable for the toolbar. dim btnx as button ’ add button objects to buttons collection using the ’ add method. after creating each button, set both ’ description and tooltiptext properties. toolbar1.buttons.add , , , tbrseparator set btnx = toolbar1.buttons.add(, "open", , tbrdefault, "open") btnx.tooltiptext = "open file" btnx.description = btnx.tooltiptext set btnx = toolbar1.buttons.add(, "save", , tbrdefault, "save") btnx.tooltiptext = "save file" btnx.description = btnx.tooltiptext set btnx = toolbar1.buttons.add(, , , tbrseparator) ’ the next button has the placeholder style. a ’ combobox control will be placed on top of this button. set btnx = toolbar1.buttons.add(, "combo1", , tbrplaceholder) btnx.width = 1500 ’ placeholder width to accommodate a combobox. show ’ show form to continue configuring combobox. ’ configure combobox control to be at same location as the ’ button object with the placeholder style (key = "combo1"). with combo1 .width = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").width .top = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").top .left = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").left .additem "black" ’ add colors for text. .additem "blue" .additem "red" .listindex = 0 end with end sub private sub form_resize() ’ configure combobox control. with combo1 .width = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").width .top = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").top .left = toolbar1.buttons("combo1").left end with end sub private sub toolbar1_buttonclick(byval button as button) ’ use the key property with the selectcase statement to specify ’ an action. select case button.key case is = "open" ’ open file. msgbox "add code to open file here!" case is = "save" ’ save file. msgbox "add code to save file here!" end select end sub private sub combo1_click() ’ change backcolor of form using the combobox. select case combo1.listindex case 0 form1.backcolor = vbblack case 1 form1.backcolor = vbblue case 2 form1.backcolor = vbred end select end sub


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