
2004-09-28 15:07 出处:PConline 作者:fivesky 责任编辑:linjixiong

  3)jar cvf myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm mydirectory
  4)jar cv0f myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm mydirectory
  0---don't want the JAR file to be compressed.
  5)jar cmf MANIFEST.MF myjar.jar yahh.txt
  m---Used to include manifest information from an existing manifest file.
  6)jar cMf MANIFEST.MF myjar.jar yahh.txt
  M---the default manifest file should not be produced.
  7)jar cvf myjar.jar *
  *---create all contents in current directory. 

  2. 察看jar文件   

  jar tf jar-file
  t---want to view the Table of contents of the JAR file.
  eg: 1)jar vft yahh.jar
  v---Produces verbose(详细的) output.  

  3. 提取jar文件  

  jar xf jar-file [archived-file(s)]
  x---want to extract files from the JAR archive.
  eg: 1)jar xf yahh.jar yahh.txt(仅提取文件yahh.txt)

  2)jar xf yahh.jar alex/yahhalex.txt(仅提取目录alex碌奈募⺻ahhalex.txt)  

  3)jar xf yahh.jar(提取该jar包中的所有文件或目录)  


  4. 修改Manifest文件  

  jar cmf manifest-addition jar-file input-file(s)
  m---Used to include manifest information from an existing manifest file.  

  5. 更新jar文件  

  jar uf jar-file input-file(s)
  u---want to update an existing JAR file.

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