//-----------Class CopyFile Begin--------- //Class CopyFile //CopyRight:Writed By Yun-Fengsheng //Last modify time:2001-11-16 //Method: public boolean copy(String from_filename,String to_filename) class CopyFile { public boolean copy(String file1,String file2) { try //must try and catch,otherwide will compile error { //instance the File as file_in and file_out java.io.File file_in=new java.io.File(file1); java.io.File file_out=new java.io.File(file2); FileInputStream in1=new FileInputStream(file_in); FileOutputStream out1=new FileOutputStream(file_out); byte[] bytes=new byte[1024]; int c; while((c=in1.read(bytes))!=-1) out1.write(bytes,0,c); in1.close(); out1.close(); return(true); //if success then return true }
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error!"); return(false); //if fail then return false } } }
//Class CopyFile Example /* CopyFile copy1=new CopyFile(); boolean copy_ok=copy1.copy("c:/hello.jsp","c:/hello_backup.jsp"); if(copy_ok) { out.println("拷贝成功!"); } else { out.println("拷贝失败!"); } */ //-----------Class CopyFile End-----------