正在阅读:黄昏时刻的境界线全线路流程选项 不同线路怎么选?黄昏时刻的境界线全线路流程选项 不同线路怎么选?

2018-01-02 12:31 出处:其他 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lixianmei




  時計仕掛けのレイライン -残影の夜が明ける時-(A Clockwork Ley-Line: Daybreak of Remnants Shadows-)

  時計仕掛けのレイライン -朝霧に散る花-(A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist)









  ·第一章/Chapter 1·

  初次见面/Nice to meet you

  不用对乌丸君也这么做吗/You're not going to try it on Karasuma


  工作请继续加油吧/Good luck with your work

  知道啦给我冷静下来/All right, calm down

  很危险啊!/It's dangerous!

  治疗伤口/Treat her wound

  打招呼/Greet her


  煽动真弥/Excite Maya

  不可能的吧/That can't be the case

  ~关于魔力/Regarding mana

  ~关于遗物/Regarding Mists

  ~关于夜之世界/Regarding the Realm of Night

  *觉得目的是抢走钥匙/I think it was

  *无论什么钥匙都可以/Maybe it was fine with any key

  ~最后见到钥匙是什么时候/When did you last see the key

  ~什么时候发现钥匙不见的/When did you realize you lost the key

  ~妖精没来吗/Did you come across a fairy




  *夜之学生/A Night Realm student

  *某个被锁起来的房间里/The pocketwatch is in a locked room

  *礼拜堂/The chapel

  再度确认是否要破坏/We should check if breaking it is really okay

  ·第三章/Chapter 3·

  *果然妖精是犯人/The fairy was the culprit

  问问忧绪怎么了/Ask Ushio what got into her

  学园长的钥匙/The principal's key

  ~眠子使用了的话会怎样/What would happen if she had used it

  ~在不知道是什么钥匙的情况下使用了会怎样/What would have happened if she had used it without knowing what it was

  ~就算不打算使用也会自己生效吗/Could she have used it unintentionally

  *能够连接到风吕屋的所在地吗/Could we use it to determine where Furoya is

  那个,你的考虑是指什么/What were those reasons you had

  踢开那些奇怪的生物冲出一条路/Kick through the wall of strange creatures

  你还好吧/Are you all right

  ~昏暗的那边/To the dark and dim place

  ~目标是那座像塔一样的东西/To the tower

  ~闪着光的那边/To the place that is shining

  发烧了吗/Do you have a fever


  再这样多呆一会....../Could we stay like this

  这里是,哪里....../What is this place...

  眠子 End。

  壬生锷姬/Mibu Tsubaki


  已经没事了/it's all right now

  这里是,哪里....../What is this place...

  ·第四章/Chapter 4·

  难道是身体不舒服吗/Are you not feeling well

  去调查房间吧/Examine her room/部屋を調べよう

  从阳台能进去吗/Could we enter from the balcony

  没有那样的事/Not at all/別にそんなことない

  *会把朋友们带回来的话就埋伏在这儿吧/Let's ambush it once it brings the friends

  好的,我来/I'll do it

  按你喜欢的方式称呼就行了/You can call me whatever you want

  那就叫锷姬酱吧/Should I call her Tsubaki-chan then


  和我结婚吧/Marry me

  那我就放心了/That sounds reassuring

  锷姬 End。

  鹿谷忧绪/Shishigatani Ushio


  没什么别放在心上啦/Don't worry about it

  遗品可能不知道我的房间在哪/It didn't know where my room is

  我来当诱饵就好了吧/I just have to be a decoy

  唔、脚好麻呀!/Uu, my foot fell asleep!

  你已经有朋友了吧!/You already have friends, don't you!

  *小霞说不定真的和遗品没有关系/Sumi-chan was completely unrelated to the Mist

  *她到了晚上就要睡觉吧/Like how she slept during the night

  ·第五章/Chapter 5·

  追赶白色披风/Chase the ghost

  ~有捡了什么类似遗品的东西吗/Did you pick up anything resembling a Mist

  ~那时候有个白色披风站在你旁边.../Someone in a white cloak was standing beside you...

  ~有在路上捡啥奇怪的东西吃吗/Did you pick up something weird and eat it

  ~昨天的事情你还记得吗/Do you remember anything about yesterday

  ~记忆从哪里开始断开的/How much of your memories are missing

  ~关于白色披风的事情/Ask about the figure in white

  *或许夺取记忆正是犯人的目的/His goal was to steal their memories

  *不见得吧/That's not necessarily the case

  *有个东西可以大量消耗魔力/There is something that consumes lots of mana

  *钥匙(雅努斯之匙)/Key (Key of Janus)

  *已经因为代偿倒下了/Is he already unconscious because of the compensation

  立刻前去救援/Run up to her immediately

  *那是事故吧/Was it an accident

  这是在求婚/Are you proposing to me

  不可能放着不管吧/We couldn't leave you by yourself


  忧绪 End。



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